A Massive Kerala Villa Elevation at 3239 sq.ft
At 3239 square feet, not only is this house massive, but also breathtakingly beautiful. It has 4 incredibly spacious bedrooms and a home theatre on the first floor.
The design is what initially calls attention to this villa. The designer seems to have got the inspiration from ancient pillars for they could be seen in abundance.
The pillars with stones make the villa stand out as regal as a castle, and together they seem to be styled with timeless architecture. This is indeed a house that’ll be etched into your memory for years to come.
The ground floor has a beautiful, four-pillared porch. There’s a sit out too, along with a prayer, dining room and courtyard.
House Elevation Details:
Ground Floor : 2002 Sq.ft
Consists of Porch, Sitout, Prayer hall, Dining room, courtyard.
The highlights of the first floor are the 3 spectacular balconies and the home theatre.
First Floor : 1237 sq.ft
2 bedroom attached, Home theatre and 3 balconies.
Want this villa for yourself? Then check the information below and contact the architect.
Architect of this plan:
Civil Engineer:
Architect Details:
Moyacheri (ho)
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